Kimberley Big Hole - South Africa
Apparently the largest ever hand dug excavation in the world, 1097 meters in the mine produced more than 3 tons of diamonds before it closed in 1914.
Glory Hole - Monticello Dam, California
A glory hole is used when a dam is at full capacity and water must be drained from the reservoir. This is the 'Glory Hole' at Monticello dam, and was the largest in the world of this type of valve, its size allows it to consume 14,400 cubic meters of water every second.
Mirny Diamond Mine, Siberia
I'm pretty sure most people have seen this one. It's an absolute beast and holds the title of largest open diamond mine in the world. At 525 meters, with a diameter of 1,200 meters, there is even no-fly zone above the hole due to a few helicopters that have attracted.
Diavik Mine, Canada
Mine is so big and so far the area that he has the airport with a runway large enough to accommodate a Boeing 737. It looks equally cool when the surrounding water frozen.
Sinkhole in Guatemala
This photo is a gap that occurred earlier this year in Guatemala. The hole swallowed a dozen homes and killed at least 3 people.
Great Cave - Antarctica
Is there a secret military bases or headquarters of an alien in Antarctica? A door hole-shaped structure visible in a snow-covered rocks in Antarctica. The hole seemed to be made by human hands.
The position of the hole is 66 33 '11:58' S, 99 50 '17.86 "E. Is it the hole made by human hands, or just a hole created by the ferocity of nature Antarctica?
Photo below is a photograph taken on February 23, 2006 compared with photos taken afterwards. On February 23, 2006 photo, the hole does not exist or covered by snow. But the following days when the snow knocked out, there it a huge hole.
Mel's Hole-Washington (United States)
Mel's hole is a hole in one part of a small town in Washington named Manastash Ridge. First discovered by Mel waters, 9-foot diameter hole that contains a mystery. Because supposedly, the hole is not endless!
Since the discovery, population about making it as a garbage dump. What makes these people wonder is meraka never heard of the rubbish that they throw had hit bottom. Mel tries to measure their own depth of the hole with fishing line. Up to touch the figure of 80 thousand feet mel found no bottom. He immediately contacted a well known radio station to report this. The government allegedly tried to silence Mel with him to move to Australia. Mel's Hole is rumored to be able to revive a dead animal.
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